Wednesday, October 3, 2012

our house

this is the whole thing car,garden,tree fort and pool  

 this is the tree fort this is the same with the house it collapsed so many times that we were going to give up on it

 this is the pool

 this is the garden
and this is the house it collapsed so many times we almost gave up on it 


  1. That's a sweet house, I want to live there!

  2. I know its awesome i want to live there too.m2
    m2 had the awesome idea of the house I just built the outside with most of the ideas of m2.We both put a lot of time and thinking into this creation it is the biggest creation that we've posted it was fun to build our little sister kept wrecking it m2 got really frustrated so mom had to help.

  3. Little sisters can be frustrating, huh? I think the tree house is my favorite part of your house you built. We have a tire swing in our real (not Lego!) backyard but not a tree house yet.
